Theatre Stages
Drama stage
The original theatre on Lidická Street, with a long tradition. The theatre focuses mainly on the production of classical dramas, current popular plays and comedies – a favourite of theatregoers.
Musical scene
A modern musical auditorium built in 2004 as the best technically equipped theatre in Europe. The theatre focuses not only on current musicals but also on large-scale drama productions.
The Bishop´s Courtyard
A unique and magical space for open-air performances, which are not only taken from the regular repertoire of Brno City Theatre: some of them are created specially for performance at the Bishop´s Courtyard.
The Theatre Courtyard
A stage in the Brno City Theatre courtyard at Lidická Street. It is a unique combination of high culture and genuine gastronomy.
Divadelní klub
Prostor pro konání komorních inscenací. Toto intimní prostředí dává jedinečnou možnost zažít zázrak divadelního prožitku trochu jinak, v protikladu k velkým scénám.