He studied the stage design at the DAMU of Prague under the tutorship of professor F. Tröster. He has worked as a stage designer not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad. For example, he has worked together with J. Schmid in the "Y" Studio (Macbeth, Michelangelo). For the setting of The Count of Monte Christo in the Petr Bezruč State Theatre, he was awarded an international award in Trienale in Novi Sad. Until the present, he has created approximately 200 stage settings. Several theatres have been reconstructed according to his projects, such as Horácké divadlo in Jihlava, Marionette Theatre in Ljubljana and the Brno City Theatre. As a stage designer, he participated in the staging of Radúz and Mahulena and West Side Story; in the Opera House of the National Theatre of Brno, he participated as a stage designer in the staging of Zorba. Together with ing. arch. P. Valenta and ing. arch. P. Novák, Miroslav Melena became the winner of the tender for an architectural design of the reconstruction of the Reduta Theatre.
Miroslav Melena