A Servant of Two Masters

A Servant of Two Masters

  • Genre Drama
  • Stage Drama Theatre
  • Premiere23. September 2000
  • Length2:25 hod.
  • Number of reprises162
  • Final performance3. June 2013

Comedy Non Plus Ultra

A Servant of Two Masters, nowadays a classical comedy by Carlo Goldoni, successfully completing the principles of commedia dell´arte, belongs to the jewels of the world repertory. A funny story having a romantic plot controverts with irony the saying “no servant can serve two masters”. The director and author of adaptation Zdeněk Černín together with the scenographer Jan Dušek shifted Goldoni’s work to the present. However, the whole presentation is first of all a dramatic concert of servant Truffaldino acted by Martin Havelka who starts a hurricane of his dramatic art on the stage but also presents his juggling and circus art. For his extraordinary performance he was nominated to a prestigious Thalia Prize in the field of drama.



  • Carlo Goldoni

Directed by


  • Jaroslav Pokorný



  • Jan Dušek j.h.


  • Zdeněk Černín

