Představení hraje hostující Marta Theatre Studio

The Copweb

The Copweb

  • Genre
  • Stage Drama Theatre
  • Premiere1. December -1
  • Length1:30 hod.
  • Number of reprises0
  • Price

The Fatal Story

Meeting of a group of young people in the place where a major part of their past took place... meeting rather by necessity than of their own will... Reconstruction of intimate stories of the time when they still were people... reconstruction as the endeavour to not only bring things back but also understand them.

As a drop of dew slides on web fibres, the centre of the story moves from one fragment to another to close the circle finally in an unexpected point...

Endeavour to formulate the personal utterance of one generation in the hope that the naked sincereness is still of sense on the stage...

And this all in a slightly decadent, cabaret spirit with a rhythmic motion and an experimental music. This all in a chamber, fine and unconventional spirit...



  • Dodo Gombár & kol.

Directed by


  • Ivana Macháčková




