• Genre Musical
  • Stage Music Theatre
  • Premiere25. January 2025
  • Length2:30 hod.
  • Number of reprises20
  • Price 640 - 680 Kč

a fairytale musical, world premiere

King David had three sons. George, James and the youngest John. When the king fell ill, Queen Agnes remembered a strange dream from long ago about the existence of miraculous living water. The hopes and thoughts of the entire kingdom are now pinned on her, and it is up to the young princes to set out into the world and try to find the living water and save the life of the dying king. And as is always the case in a good fairy tale, the path leading towards a happy ending is convoluted and full of adventures and pitfalls, and it just can’t do without three cursed princesses.

The Czech authors Stanislav Moša and Zdenek Merta are returning to the stage with a new project, this time a story based on the best Czech fairytale tradition, in the season of the twentieth anniversary of the Music Theatre. A magical adventure in a world in which the good prince is helped by ants, a bear and an eagle, where three enchanted princesses help expose falsehood thanks to their purity, and where the highest value is a kind and loving word, promises to be a magical spectacle for the whole family.

Distinguished Czech musical composer, pianist and presenter Zdenek Merta has come together with librettist Stanislav Moša for the tenth time to continue their many years of collaboration that began with their joint presentation of the musical féerie A Midsummer Night’s Dream in 1991. Their last work together so far, The Water of Life is further confirmation of the fact that the Music Theatre at Brno City Theatre is continuing to present original titles written specifically for it, as was declared as its policy from the very beginning.

Directed by

Assistant director


Music production


Assistant choreography


  • Dalibor Černák

Design zvukových efektů

  • Lukáš Janota

Režie projekcí

  • Tomáš Bayer

Sound Direction

  • Filip Barák

Sound supervision

  • Vilém Friml

Umělecký záznam a střih představení

  • Dalibor Černák

Light direction

  • David Kachlíř


  • Petr Hloušek

Music adaption

  • Daniel Kyzlink


  • Jaroslav Milfajt


  • Petr Hloušek, Tito Kratochvil


  • Zdeněk Helbich

Vokální nastudování

  • Dominik Pernica, Matěj Voda

Program A4

  • Klára Latzková

Asistentka kostýmní výtvarnice

  • Adéla Kučerová

Jiří, jejich nejstarší syn

Jakub, jejich prostřední syn

Jan, jejich nejmladší syn

Ema, nejstarší zakletá princezna (taky snová víla E., Žebračka, Emča, Ela, Duch Emy)

Anna, prostřední zakletá princezna (taky snová víla A., Žebračka, Anna, Ali, Duch Anny)

Kristýna, nejmladší zakletá princezna (taky snová víla K., Žebračka, Krista, Kaja, Duch Kristýny)

Duch otce Ely, Ali a Kaji (taky hlas Medvěda, Orla a Mravenců)




