• Genre Drama
  • Stage Biskupský dvůr
  • Premiere15. June 2019
  • Length2:40 hod.
  • Number of reprises14
  • Final performance10. January 2022

 “Two households, both alike in dignity,/in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny,…” These are the first verses of probably the most famous love story of all time, “the only tragedy which helped to create love itself” (G. E. Lessing).  In fact, the oldest specimen of Shakespeare´s First Folio, kept at the Oxford University library, is the most worn on the pages where the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (as the play’s full name reads) is printed.

         What can you do when you fall in love with someone whom by your parents’ orders you ought to hate?  In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare tells the immortal story of two young lovers who are kept from each other by a dispute between their families and who risk everything to be together. But what should you do when love at first sight becomes an intense passion and then a desperate desire to end a conflict which has lasted generations?

Romeo and Juliet is returning to Brno City Theatre after twenty years, and this time to the Bishop´s Courtyard, whose summer atmosphere will definitely suit the emotional story of a love that’s overshadowed by hatred. It will be directed by Stanislav Slovák, who has a lot of successful experience with productions at the Bishop´s Courtyard.


  • William Shakespeare

Directed by

Assistant director




Theatrical backdrop projections

  • Petr Hloušek

Movement coordination

  • Michal Matěj

Light direction

  • David Kachlíř

Šermy a zbraně

  • Josef Jurásek

Asistentka kostýmní výtvarnice

  • Eliška Ondráčková Lupačová 


  • Zdeněk Helbich

Production adaptation

  • Stanislav Slovák, Jan Šotkovský

Umělecký záznam a střih představení

  • Dalibor Černák

Language collaboration

  • Eva Spoustová

Escalus, veronský vévoda

Mercuzio, mladý šlechtic a přítel Romea

Paris, mladý šlechtic, příbuzný vévody

Montek, hlava veronské rodiny

Paní Monteková

Romeo, Montekův syn

Benvolio, Montekův synovec a přítel Romea

Abraham, Montekův sluha

Baltazar, Romeův sluha

Capulet, hlava veronské rodiny

Paní Capuletová

Tybalt, synovec paní Capuletové

Julie, Capuletova dcera

Petr, sluha Juliiny chůvy

Samson, sloužící z domu Capuletů

Gregor, sloužící z domu Capuletů

Otec Lorenzo, františkánský mnich

Bratr Jan, františkánský mnich


Páže hraběte Parise


