Jana Musilová

Jana Musilová

Studied at a grammar school and afterwards at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno, at the department of synthetic theatre genres, where she acted in the role of Belcore in the play Alelujá dobří lidé – Hallelujah Good People in 1990. Immediately afterwards, she was engaged at Brno City Theatre where she has acted ever since.

During her time at the theatre, she has acted in musical and concert performances in Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Portugal.

In the years 1997/98 and 2002/03, she was awarded the Křídla (Wings) Prize, which is a prize awarded by the Brno City Theatre for the most popular actress of a season and which is awarded on the basis of an opinion poll amongst the spectators. She also guests at other theatres. In 1992, she took part in the musical Les Misérables at the Prague Theatre Na Vinohradech. You can also see her at G – studio in Brno where she takes part in VIVA MUSICAL LIVE and VIVA MUSICAL II and where she also acted in the role of Sister Marie Huberta in the musical comedies JEPTIŠKY (NUNS) I and II.

She has been successfully involved in dubbing (she was even awarded a prize) for several years. Her best known role as a dubber is agent Dana Scully from The X Files. Other interesting projects are the serials Baywatch, Dallas, Doktor z hor (The Mountain Doctor), Příteli můj (Friends of Mine), Future Fantastic (G. Anderson), Star Trek, Stockinger, and the films Čokoláda (Chocolate), Podoby lásky (Playing by Heart), Max and Kevin (G. Anderson), Doháníš mě k šílenství (You Drive Me Crazy) etc.

She has been in several Czech Television films and taken part in programmes made for Nova and Prima - Rozsudky soudce Ooky - The Judgements of Judge Ooka, Krutá daň omylu - The Cruel Tax of Errors – from the serial Detective Martin Tomsa, O poklad Anežky České - For the Treasure of Anežka Česká, Potlach - Celebration, Zpívání na farmě - Singing on the Farm (ČT), Áčko (NOVA), Roztočme to! - Let’s Roll! (Prima) etc.

In 2001, she prepared her own programme, Koncert při svíčkách (Concert by Candlelight), which had 13 repeats. She has been cooperating with the Brno Philharmonic Orchestra and the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bohuslav Martinů, Zlín for a long time.

Among her most important recent projects is a concert program of songs and chansons by French authors - La vie est merveilleuse - Život je báječný - Life is Marvellous, as well as the release of a CD which bears the same name and which was christened in December 2003.

She has happy memories of these roles: Prudence (Ach, ta hříšná nevěra - Oh, the Sinful Infidelity, Adine (Spor - The Dispute), Mařka (Na pravici boha otce - At the Right Hand of God), Lukrezia (Mandragora - The Mandrake), The Widow (Zorba the Greek), Filoména (Cinderella), Isabella of Spain (Elizabeth of England), Emilia (Othello), Satan (Bastard), Capulet (Romeo and Juliet).

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Pretty Woman

Jana in role:
Starší dáma, Zrzavá Marie, Erica - prodavačka I., Bohatá Lady 5., Carlie - prostitutka

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Jana in role:
Pokorná, jeho žena

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Jana in role:
Lenina matka, Anna Havrajová, Jeptiška

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Jana in role:

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Jana in role:

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Jana in role:
Veselíková, učitelka

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Jana in role:
Teta Juřičková

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World of Angels

Jana in role:
Lea, Sandra

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Jana in role:

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A Flea in Her Ear

Jana in role:
Marcela Champsboisy

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Jana in role:
Fritzie Kostová

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Jana in role:
Paní Kakonyiová

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School, the foundation of Life

Jana in role:
Suchánková, dějepisářka

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Ginger & Fred

Jana in role:
Dvojnice Marlene Dietrich, Barbara, novinářka

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The Odyssey

Jana in role:

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Ferdinand, kd´E ste?

Jana in role:
Stará cikánka

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Markéta Lazarová

Jana in role:
Kateřina, žena Kozlíkova

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Jana in role:
První čarodějnice

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If a Thousand Clarinets

Jana in role:

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A Midsummer Night Dream

Jana in role:

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The Red and the Black

Jana in role:
Paní de Renal

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Fiddler on the Roof

Jana in role:

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She Returned One Night

Jana in role:
DOLLY, snoubenka/milenka a spoluhráčka

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Mam´zelle Nitouche

Jana in role:
Corina, subreta

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Les Misérables

Jana in role:
Madame Thénardier

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Jana in role:
Vdova Corneyová

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Ballad of Love (Singoalla)

Jana in role:

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Jana in role:
Baronka von Waldstätten

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Jana in role:
Alžběta, Herodova žena, Paní Kerstoffová

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Spring Awakening

Jana in role:
Paní Bergmanová, Gaborová, Besselová, Zubatá - zástupkyně ředitele a Kozáková - učitelka klavíru

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Becket, or The Honour of God

Jana in role:

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Jekyll and Hyde

Jana in role:
Nellie, Lucyina kamarádka

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Wild Bára

Jana in role:

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My Fair Lady

Jana in role:
Paní Škodová

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Funny Girl

Jana in role:
Paní Strakoschová, přítelkyně paní Briceové

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Jacques and his Master

Jana in role:
Matka a Matka Agáty

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The Full Monty

Jana in role:
Vicki Nicholsová, jeho žena

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Jana in role:
Wildová, tajemnice taneční akademie

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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

Jana in role:
Shearsová, 1. hlas, Gascoynová, Žena ve vlaku, Prodavačka, Žena v parku

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Jana in role:
Prokurátorka, Psovská

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Jana in role:

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Flight Dreams

Jana in role:
Tanja / Titanie

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Perfect Wedding

Jana in role:
Dafné, matka nevěsty

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Jana in role:
Margaret Stevensonová

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Jana in role:
Ch. D. Cardoza, Madeleine Astorová, company

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The Witches of Eastwick

Jana in role:

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Young Frankenstein

Jana in role:
Madam Bletcher

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Jana in role:
Tornádo Lou

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Mary Poppins

Jana in role:
Winifred Banksová

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Freaky Friday

Jana in role:
Torrey, asistentka Katherine

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Jana in role:
Flo Manero

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Jana in role:
Slečna Watsonová, sekretářka

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The Last Ship

Jana in role:
Peggy Whiteová

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Jana in role:
Stephanie Necrophorus

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Jana in role:
Paní Fairfaxová

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Jana in role:
Kněžna Ščerbacká

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Jana in role:
Lady Saltburnová

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