• Genre Musical
  • Stage Music Theatre
  • Premiere22. October 2022
  • Length3:15 hod.
  • Number of reprises41
  • Price 670 - 720 Kč

musical based on a bestseller The Physician by Noah Gordon

In November 2021, the American author Noah Gordon died at the age of 95. His place in literary history is assured mainly due to his Cole Family Trilogy, which deals with the history of medicine in a very detailed and learned fashion. The most well-known of the books is probably the first, 1987’s The Physician (loosely followed by the sequels Shaman (1992) and Matters of Choice (1995)). An internationally successful German film was made based on The Physician in 2013 starring Tom Payne and Ben Kingsley in the leading roles.

The main character in this exceptional story is Rob Cole, an English Christian boy, who manages – despite the difficult conditions in the 11th century – to make his way across the whole of Europe to the middle eastern city of Isfahan, where he learns the art of medicine. The motivation for this unusual decision was his experience as a young child, when he lost his mother and other people close to him due to the insufficient level of knowledge about the human body that healers had at that time. He first encounters a barber-surgeon, who introduces him to primitive healing methods, thanks to which Rob soon realises that learning to practice medicine properly is more important than simply making more money. During his long and dangerous journey to knowledge, which involves disguising himself as a Jew in order to move through unfriendly environments, he doesn’t only acquire the desired knowledge, but also finds the love of his life.

The book became an inspiration for the Spanish authors of the musical El Médico, which premiered at the Nuevo Apolo theatre in Madrid in 2018. The idea of converting the book into a musical appeared in the head of the composer Iván Macías, who got together with producer Pablo Martínez and contacted Michael Gordon, the writer’s son and agent. After hearing the first couple of sample compositions, he was so excited that he decided to arrange a meeting between the authors and his father right away. Macías’s music also impressed the novelist, who gave the authors permission to convert his book into a musical. The musical became an immediate hit in Spain, and we are very happy to be presenting it to our audience in a Czech premiere.


  • Noah Gordon
  • Félix Amador
  • Iván Macías

Directed by

Assistant director





Assistant choreography

  • Zuzana Holbeinová

Asistentka režie pro dětské role

  • Lucie Bergerová

Pyrotechnické efekty

  • Iveta Černá


  • Zdeněk Helbich


  • Petr Hloušek


  • Tino Kratochvil, Petr Hloušek

Klavírní výtah

  • Dan Kalousek

Sound Direction

  • Filip Barák

Light direction

  • David Kachlíř


  • Stanislav Moša

Sound supervision

  • Andreas Bruell

Umělecký záznam a střih představení

  • Dalibor Černák

Rob Cole (dospělý)

Rob Cole (chlapec), Rob James Cole (syn Roba Coleho), 10 let

Agnes Coleová, Robova matka

Quandrasseh, vezír

Karim, student lékařství

Mirdin, student lékařství (Žid)

Edgar Thorpe (slepec), Nemocný I.

Merlin, židovský lékař

Wiliam Cole, chlapec 6 let

Dawwid, syn Mirdina

Anne Mary Coleová (děvče, 4 roky), Holčička

Bukerel (cechmistr), Nemocný II.

Pekařka Haverhillová, Služebná s knírkem, Madame, Měšťanka I., Židovka I., Žena s džbánem, Tanečnice I., Nakažená morem I., Ošetřovatelka I.

Paní Alwynová, Mlékařka, Editha, Londýňanka I., Měšťanka II., Židovka II., Trhovkyně I., Tanečnice II., Nakažená morem II., Ardis

Kořenářka, Prostitutka II., Měšťanka III., Židovka III., Trhovkyně II., Tanečnice III., Nakažená morem III., Ošetřovatelka II.

Prodavačka ryb, Dívka na vdávání, Londýňanka II., Krásné děvče, Židovka IV., Muslimka I., Tanečnice IV., Nakažená morem IV.

Prostitutka I., Amelie Simpsonová, Měšťanka IV., Židovka V., Muslimka II., Tanečnice V., Nakažená morem V., Matka

Zelinářka, Paní Titeová, Žena I., Londýňanka III., Měšťanka V., Farah (Mirdinova žena), Židovka VI., Muslimka III., Tanečnice VI., Nakažená morem VI.

Prodavačka látek, Květinářka, Londýňanka IV., Emma Thorpeová, Židovka VII., Muslimka IV., Tanečnice VII., Nakažená morem VII., Děvče na ulici

Prodavač koření, Watson (pacient), Londýňan I., Měšťan I., Fritta (vůdce karavany), Voják I., Student I., Nakažený morem I., Žid I.

Farář Lowell, Opilec, Námořník II., Měšťan II., Tuveh (Žid), Voják II., Student II., Nakažený morem II., Žid II., Mulláh II.

Pekař Haverhill, Kejklíř, Londýňan II., Měšťan III., Meir (Žid), Zloděj, Voják III., Student III., Nakažený morem III., Žid III., Mulláh III.

Hrnčíř, Muž s kašlem, Londýňan III., Měšťan IV., Simón (Žid), Muslim, Voják IV., Student IV., Nakažený morem IV., Žid IV., Mulláh IV.

Řezník Alwyn, Přítel opilce, Námořník I., Měšťan V., Tuarég I., Kuplíř, Otrok I., Student V., Nakažený morem V., Žid V., Mulláh V.

Zelinář, Muž se zubem, Londýňan IV., Měšťan VI., Tuarég II., Otrok II., Student VI., Nakažený morem VI., Žid VI., Mulláh VI., Prodavač koberců

Tesař Tite, Londýňan V., Správce města, Poutník (Žid), Prodavač zlata, Vězeň, Student VII., Nakažený morem VII., Žid VII., Mulláh I.


